denver 2023 holiday events for kids and families

I started building this fun list of Holiday events and happenings about nine years ago after my first holiday spent in Denver.
This list gets a little longer every year as there are so many fun things to do in Denver around this time of year.
As a family we like to mix it up a bit from year to year and try something new in addition to keeping some of our old traditions.

As always - make sure to add a
Holiday-styled studio mini at Lily Red Studio to your list! These quick and effortless sessions will allow you to enjoy the season knowing that you’ve captured some beautiful family portraits (without the stress).

Make sure to bookmark this page, share with friends, and add your own local traditions to the comments section.

Happy Holidays
from Suzy at
Lily Red Studio!

Denver Holiday Events and Happenings List

Local Small Business Shopping

Nick’s Garden Center

Rosy Rings (candles and beautiful gift shop, also offers fun candle making and wreath making classes)

Maggie & Molly’s Bakery (offers cute holiday cookie decorating boxes)

Timbuk Toys (they also offer a toy drive where kids can pick a card and toy for a name on the wishing tree)

Littlebird (clothes and toys)

Tallulah Jones (gorgeously curated toy and gift boutique - one of my favorite places to shop for unique toys!)

UPDATED 10/19/2023




Holiday-styled mini sessions